Walrilla's Wonderings

WALrus+goRILLA=Walrilla! What's not to love?

29 June, 2008

This Is Just For You

You know who you are!


24 June, 2008

Sorry For The Absence

I've been trying to concentrate on some things. Everything's ok, just required some focus.

One of those things has been the acquisition of some new wheels. Three of them, as a matter of fact. Three, as in a trike, a big, long, loud(for a VW), trike.

DAt's right, I'm now a Biker! Or, Triker, if you prefer. I'm now Free on Three! I've been riding motorcycles ever since I was a teenager, but only off-road, dirt bikes and such. This is the first street legal bike... err, trike, I've ever owned. Now I gotta go get one of them damned motorcycle licenses.

Pictures to come soon.
