Walrilla's Wonderings

WALrus+goRILLA=Walrilla! What's not to love?

11 November, 2007

A Late, But No Less Heartfelt, Thanks

To all Veterans out there:

Words would never be enough to thank you for everything you sacrifice for our country, but words are all I have, so:

To my grandfather, who served in the Army in WWII, thank you.

To my father, who served in the National Guard in the early '60's, thank you.

To my father-in-law, who served in the Marines in the late '50's, thank you.

To my uncles and cousins, who have served, and are serving, in various services, at various times, thank you.

To all my veteran friends, in real life, and in the blogworld, thank you.

Without all of you, this land, this country, this "Grand Experiment", would never have lasted as long as it has, nor be as free as it is.

Thank you for everything.



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