Walrilla's Wonderings

WALrus+goRILLA=Walrilla! What's not to love?

06 February, 2006

At Home Again

Well, I'm stuck at home again, caring for a sick child. Unfortunately, unlike last time, she's really sick this time. I mean, REALLY sick. Poor thing started getting sick Saturday night, then about 0300 Sunday morning, threw up all over our bedroom floor. All day Sunday consisted of helping her get to the bathroom before dousing the floor in a different substance. Well not really a different substance, just from a different orifice.

Okay, having grossed out everybody, except those with small children currently, let me just state how abundantly thankful I am to work for a company and to be in a position that allows me to work from home when I need to. Seeing that we wouldn't be able to send her to school today, I called my boss Sunday evening. He asked if I wuld be available from home before I even told him I needed to stay there today. Working for people like that is great.



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